Member-only story
When and where keeps us human.
wondering whether this is good or pertinent enough to make it into my next collection of poesy

A meditation on what it is to be alive, lacks focus
Siting around daydreaming, leaves knights emotionless
Ulrich, kings and queens and poets of royal heritage
Writing to the moon because the people are garbage
Dying so soon, on deaths uppended blossom
Reincarnated by virtues from top to bottom
Craving cravings unwholesome maybe demonising
Jealous of others happenings, Casanova’s womanising
when it’s surely your lack of self you’re chastising
Beatific lack of eyes of winsome innocence
No disposable platinum-gold to mis-use
Flaws of fluttering circles surrounds abuse
Babbling incessant whispers unheralded,
Bribes in biblical thoughts now shepherded
By sheep of new values for a valiant epoch
Shining new detail with the skill of drawing lots