We were bastards.

D.David croot
2 min readJun 23, 2022

Sex, Death, love rock n’roll awaited us all

When I think of school part eleven


He was the only teacher who could teach

and we locked him in a cupboard

inside the quad.

Didn’t let him out for a good half-hour

Heard expletives and blasphemes I had never heard before

He smashed that door wooden door so hard it took

four of us to keep him in

yelling, hailing at the world to stop its debased torture



We sent two teachers insane

We chucked food and pens at the back of their heads

We skipped class

We stopped working whenever we wanted, played cards in class

We swore we would have revenge upon their mediocrity

We spread the hate of boredom as far as it could go


We were bastards but I’d never laughed so much

It was a change from kicking a ball around

cause it rarely rained in them days

It was as if



D.David croot

Deviant novelist, candlelit poet stuck in archaic notions of a renaissance man who fails to give a shit… https://ko-fi.com/ddavidcroot