Member-only story
She was the fattest mess I’ve ever seen!!
When I think of school part thirty-ish

D. David Croot has been writing on and off (pretty much continually) for nineteen hundred years. He is no preternatural creature, no real special abilities or heightened desires to speak of, but he’s put in his four-trillion hours and it’s all for you my sweaty precious and sublimely beautiful creatures.
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She was the fattest mess I’ve ever seen
To this day I can’t forget the pair of them
Walking pork
Strolling meat piled on top of slapdash chops
They were biffa’s! Heffa’s!, skips full of unwanted human person!
Not a brain between them, two chairs per one buttock
In class they physically could not sit together
For the class room would become its own gravitational pull
And a whirling vortex of flab would stop the world disintegrating
As one of them gets stuck in the flabby dark-mess of podgy black hole
— –
They had nothing in common but their fat-flab
They stood next to each other