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Questions Questions Questions
Like a Will Smith slap in the face. Lightweight but most talked about.

How much of yourself is too much to giveaway?
Why don’t people walk around with their cocks and vaginas waggling?
After a week it all becomes blasé
Why can’t children know what a period is or where babies are really from?
They handle death better than we do and I’m fucking certain they hold the secret to immortality and joy in the general way.
Why is the Rogerian attitude not taught in schools?
How can drugged up fucktards get sober and not still be a fucktards?
What is worth time?
Knowledge, why can it be so powerful when expounded expertly and down to earthly?
If it’s sold too many why is it always shit?
Can you change or is it only wishful thinking and wilful distortion?
Free will, a concept or motivation to do nothing?
Destiny, an excuse for a bad life currently being lived?
How can man becoming woman and the reverse or the reverse of a reverse not be mental distress?
Day time television, WHY? WHY? WHY?