Pressure be gone!
My favourite word is retarded
You are retarded
The government is retarded
I am retarded
My favourite word is retarded
If it becomes unlawful or uncouth to say
I’D only shout my favourite word louder, RETARDED
JAY-Z and Kanye are retarded
The perpetrators and listeners of rap are retarded
Work is retarded
Talk and chatty-chit-chat shows, 9–5 plus more-ers, anybody who aligned themselves with one group solely are wholly retarded.
Feeeeeeeeels so grand to repeat: retarded
retarded retarded retarded
Please don’t take my word away from me
It’ so glee-filled to utter
Hear that rhythmic joy?
My woman undressing
Dylan and Cohen singing a duet for my ear alone retarded?
Davina Mc-coll is retarded, the news is retarded, the way we communicate is retarded.
Space travel, nuclear destruction is exciting but still most retarded.
Social media rots the soul and television might well be a hurricane of retardation.
That sentence is retarded !
Don’t you see, the whole universe is retarded!
Aliens know it, the enlightened too!
But we can’t tell you because your retarded mind shall take retarded offence!
And what happens next is a punch to the eyeball or a viral campaign against whatever it is I happen to represent to yourself.
But until then,
one sweet refrain from the familial golden suns heart.
The whispering melody transcended to the soul from a memory and dream long vacated
A singular, triumphantastical word to sum up the perspective of the lamented people’s pursuits