In my own twatty way of course!

D.David croot
2 min readJul 1, 2022

D. David Croot has been writing on and off (pretty much continually) for nineteen hundred years. He is no preternatural creature, no real special abilities or heightened desires to speak of, but he’s put in his four-trillion hours and it’s all for you my sweaty precious and sublimely beautiful creatures.

In my own twatty way of course

— — — -

I chucked half eaten

barely eaten malt-loaf at teachers heads

I did no class work

No homework

I loitered and littered

I work a crappy job I hate

I swear at customers

I walk around and hide in




Out back

Out anywhere real

So that I do not have to

do what they pointlessly tell me



D.David croot

Deviant novelist, candlelit poet stuck in archaic notions of a renaissance man who fails to give a shit…