I had to answer why Ed Sheeran and rap are a thing
I had to answer why Ed Sheeran and rap are a thing
I know why there is so much shit out there!
To follow Dylan
to Cohen
to be challenged by literary wizards
entranced by the filmic grace of a genius
is to admit they are better than you!
That you cannot inside of their moment even fathom what they did!
…You have to give yourself up to them…
You’ll buy pure-shit in the form of latest downloads though
because you genuinely believe you can do it also,
You’ll watch shit on the television because
it’s easily digestible and talkable and nothing of you is given away…
But mostly it’s so you do not have to admit how useless the core of you is
how even you at your best, may ONLY amount to pathetic and the cost of a runner bean!
Then the
challenge is given up before you’ve even given yourself a chance
Remaining forever a perpetrator of schlock!
A walking, talking lifer of no values!
You are the reason why there’s so much excrement out there!
You are wakeful conscious shit!