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Follow the Feeling part four!
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He watched his son play football. His son was no good. Average would be a compliment. His sense of gravity was mismatched with what he wanted to do. He craved Ronaldo’s height and power, Messi’s dribbling ability and David Luiz’s hair. For some reason Matthew had gotten it into his head if he saw it, he believed he could have it. If he dreamed it he could achieve it.
When or who would tell him that was bollocks? Well that was of the air, sand and sea.
Seagulls pissed in the ocean and humans would always lie to themselves.
But then again the whole team was shite, so comparatively he didn’t look too bad. He scored several goals in training and would always look over to his father when he had done something good or bad. It was always in a look which lead to the feeling of the heart in flux.
It was okay playing against the garbage that was his team, but when it came to early weekend morning’s (his son played for two naff teams that rarely won) it left him downhearted. His son did not know why he could not undertake step-overs like Ronaldo and one-two like on Fifa and his father wondered why he bothered attacking at all as a right back.