Member-only story
Follow the feeling part 11!

The nutter was not too hard to get rid of. They waited for him to go to the toilet, promised to buy him a pint when he got back then fucked off outta there, swiftly and quietly.
Dennis’s thoughts (he never could control, let them play, then forgot…) turned to John and what he might do when he got back home tonight. The tapes he produced were among his most precious possession alongside his family. Sometimes late at night when the glistening moon had gotten a hold of him he’d put his head phones on, sit next to the all in one player and listen to his favourite melodies the whole night through.
He did not know what drew him to them or why they held pleasure over him…
His son, daughter and wife would never understand because a love of something anything is often uncommunicable. A feeling only felt, nothing more. A world of his own…
“Antero’s alright.” Dennis said for want of anything to say.
Antero was a fiery guy with foreign eyes, knuckles the size of fists who occasionally joined them after work for a few.
“We don’t want okay, we want superb flying fireworks in the night that take a rollicking fuck at the moooooon…pause…There is no place for individuality, no place to dick around and work. I’ve got no problem with work but why not play, be…