Beauty and the beast

D.David croot
3 min readMar 14, 2022

-we are all one of the other.. I am the other who writes chastened blessings!

Go shoot me a valentine

In this world of all alike

I found beauty standing

inside of me, beside me…

…Frame by frame infront of me

Suddenly, quite apparently

I knew the one referred to as she…

Tell, please, reveal what I could not be


A mind as open as a carnival ride

Walks, revelatory, hidden hearts rhymes

Sun-burnt bursts of enlightenment

Rise the liquid-burden of entitlement

Rapidly became beauty in the dandelion

The craggy rock and splashes of the sea

Struggle, struggle to bend the fleshy iron

For the permanent offerings of she


Ephemera, broke on through

In the graveyard, lie both our names

Fulfilled the prophecy, ends the game

of a lifelong dedication to you…




D.David croot

Deviant novelist, candlelit poet stuck in archaic notions of a renaissance man who fails to give a shit…